JK Consulting is a collection of the coolest, most creative, and results-driven humans. We are all about creating extraordinary experiences. Whether it is an internal corporate event to motivate and thank employees, a consumer product launch that generates buzz, a corporate strategy reorganization, or a philanthropic team-building event that changes lives - our team produces experiential programs that make people talk and talk and talk.
When we get involved in a program - we get deep; we get a pulse on your organization, your brand, your employees, and your customers. Then, we turn that pulse into an experience that gets hearts pumping.

Our work is grounded in five core beliefs that bind our diverse team and bring us boundless creativity.
We're in this together.
Collaboration requires trust, and that means we really have to care—about each other, about our clients, and about our collaborators. We share what we know and support each other to achieve excellence. We have your best interest
always in mind.

Do the right thing.
We act with integrity, honesty, and generosity. We trust each other to know what that means and to ask for help when we’re not sure what to do.

Make it amazing.
We deliver truly great work at every level—from an email to a client to our events with collaborators to the global campaigns we dream up.
We bring our best and then
some, always.
Step up.
We stand for courage, initiative, mentorship, and leadership. We push ourselves and aren’t afraid to venture into the unknown.

Stay curious.
We never stop learning. We seek out new opportunities with our partners, and we stay
up on our industry and the forces affecting it. We grow together.
We live by an enduring set of principles that make us, us.